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My OBS Journey

Day : I | II | III | IV | V | VI| VII | VIII| IX| X & XI| XII | XIII

Thursday, August 19, 2010

1 month overdue...Malacca gathering

Yes, this post was meant to be published like 1 month ago as it marked one the most memorable event in my life (it was delayed due to of some person 'you-know-who' being lazy lah :P); the gathering of my old uni buddies. This plan has been suggested long ago by our gang boss ah gene. Alas, many difficulties had arises back then where we have to deal with our hectic working and life schedule. However, after much compromises from each and everyone of us, we finally came to a conclusion that this much awaited and needed gathering shall be held in Malacca on the July 10th, where everything began, although it will be only a one short day trip.

Make no mistake, this is in no way an easy plan, since we have buddies from far up north (Penang), Central (KL, Selangor) and all the way to far south (Singapore in my case) to meet in the place which happened to be the middle point of both extremes just for a single day trip. Thanks to everyone who made an effort to make yourself available on that day. This trip mostly re-visited all the good stuff in Malacca where we used to study in, namely the food so there will be plenty of photos depicting foods so let's get going.

Since i'm departing from Singapore, i'll focus the story primarily from my point of view. I departed Singapore in the morning at around 7am int he hope to arrive in JB on time around 10am where my friend Ong Bak will pick me up and drive back to Malacca. On the other end, bagene and the penangites had departed somewhere around 5am. We had agreed to meet up in a old familiar place in Malacca, EP around 12pm for lunch.

It turned out that Ong bak, which was accompanied by his girlfriend, didn't feel so well so i had to be the driver instead, pffft. Well, since i had the power on the pedal, i practically flew all the back driving at an average speed of 140km/hr. lol! We reached our meeting place EP, a little ahead of schedule at around 11.45am only to receive a call from our Northern friends saying that they have just arrived in KL to pick up a few other friends on their way before continuing the journey. Wtf? Does that means they will be arriving late? No matter.

We waited until 12.30pm when we finally gave up waiting because we were hungry like nuts and wanted to eat the good ol' chicken rice balls which was well known of being sold out even before lunch time even starts. Not wanting to take the chance, we went ahead to find the shop in the hope that they are still open for business. I guess lady luck is on our side this time, because it was indeed still open although we had to wait like 10mins before we were able to find an empty table and settle down. It was packed as with people as usual.

Soon enough, we all became so full and is ready to go and meet with the late comers :P Surprisingly, we also received a call from them saying that they have just arrived and were waiting for us but of course, little did they know that we abandoned them for the rice ballzzz! And we decided to keep that to ourselves for now. Hey, it's not like we were at fault now, you guys were the one who came late :P

Left: Boss in the center Right: That smart looking guy looks like some sort of gangster member

Left : gh3yliam 'infamous' bicep v2.0 test by curious onlookers Right : I'm always the one who do the stupid posing

Left : Me and boss (the 'gene' duo btw), again trying to act funny Right : Our 'xiao zhi' otherwise known as emo-king

From left : "Cao cui" king, xiao-zhi, xiao-zhi's gf, gh3yliam, my brother

Left: That's my new baby, Galaxy S btw! Right: Tard hiding his face.

Left: Ong bak seems like he wanted to eat those biceps so badly Right : Guys, get ready for a group shot

Left: Woi, i kena block la, wtf ! Right: Groupshot 3rd attempt - Now this is much better :D

Also to recap, from the left : mafia member, tard, caocui king, boss (bagene), my brother, me, ongbak, xiao-zhi aka emoking, gh3yliam, sookwee (ongbak's gf).

Without wasting too much time, we went for a second round of lunch, since I almost forgot that the rest did not have their lunch yet due to their late arrival. This time we choose a good old tiny stall by the side of the road where we had very simple maggi goreng noodles, fried bee-hoon and some desserts! Yummie!

Guess what, we were suddenly interrupted when everyone shifted their attention to the arrival of our VIP, the oldest and most original Malacca native yet, Kian Way!! A guy known for his intelligence and kindness when comes to sharing his trusty solutions to our unending assignments during uni time :P. (Actually, we were just copying his work and then added our own flavors to the solutions to prevent cloning detection, pretty smart eh?)

Preeeeseennnnntttttttinggggg Kian Way! (as he march gracefully marches towards us)

After a few hand shakes and pats in the back, we resumed our mission, which was to find the location of our accommodation for the night. Don't worry, our boss had already settled everything in advance, all there's left to do was to locate the place.

Left: Boss holding the key to the location of our stay for the night Right : Hmm, do we have a map here? Or at least a compass? How do we read this thing?

Left : Worry not! Let me find it on google earth with my ultimate 3G mobile internet (only to find out there wasn't any 3G network in the area and the net was slow like shit)
Right : Example of two non-contributing member. Still fooling around. Haih.. :P

Of course, we managed to find the place in the end, and in contrary to my expectation, this place looked rather isolated and worn down at least from outside to be honest. However, i must say that the interior unit was pretty decent! We quickly picked and setup our rooms while one noob even went to bed for a nap right away. So much for a gathering. C'mon we have an entire day ahead of us!

Left : Yeah, now that's the noob i'm talking about.

We rested a bit, played a few rounds of card games with of course some stakes involved to make things more interesting. It was pretty hilarious to see the overconfident xiao-zhi losing his money like no tomorrow when the luck did not side with him :P Steady yea! Me? Well, I lost a little, but hey, afterall it was the fun part that counts right? Ahahahah!

Left : xiao-zhi, simply epic LOL!

After the short break, we were ready to go again. This time we went to Jonker Walk to burn off our calories from our lunch earlier.

Then we went to this little shop very well famous for its cendol and its heavily coated "gula
melaka" topping or Malacca's sweet syrup. As usual, the place is crowded like hell. I ordered myself a durian-cendol and it's frikin' awesome!

Right: Boss - Are you guys ready for some awesomeness?

Left : I have absolutely no idea what are these old junks doing here. It's part of the decorations :S I guess it added to the mood.

While we were eating, we were greeted by yet another very good friend of ours and this guy is even more legendary compared to our VIP earlier. Introducingggg............... CKKKKK!!!! in bright yellooowww!!

The ever cheerful CK! See those smile? Man, it's just simply not him without those smiles!

We continue walking around the dessert break and had some good talk and laugh and before we knew it, we were starting to get hungry again and will be heading to our next destination for dinner soon, le "Satay Celup!"

to be continued....


mashi said...

How come your gathering become June one?Not July meh?Ada betul ke?

Unknown said...

Oppss, typo. Corrected :D